Monday, December 16, 2013

How To Make a Princess Tutu

My niece is in love with all things princess. What little girl isn't? For Christmas this year, I decided to make her a princess skirt of her very own. I can't wait to see her open this gift! It is so easy, even the most basic crafters can create this skirt with ease! Follow the step by step instructions below:

  • 5 ten yard spools of tulle in various colors (number of spools will vary depending on size of child and length of skirt)
  • 1 yard of ribbon
  • Scissors
  • Cutting board or ruler 

I used spools of tulle to save time, but you can also use tulle sold by the yard. I have found that 6" wide strips work best.

  • PRE-WARNING!!!! If you are using glitter tulle, the glitter will get EVERYWHERE! Be sure to do this project in an area that can be swept up easily!
  • Using the yard of ribbon, measure the waist of the child. Leave about 6-8 inches of excess ribbon at each end so the skirt can be tied when finished. Mark your starting and ending point with a marker or a knot.
  •  Cut the tulle into 36" long strips (length can be adjusted depending on the height of the child or desired length of the skirt). 
  •  Next, take a single strip of tulle and fold in in half.
  • Loop the folded edge under the cut ribbon, and begin the pull the tail through the loop until a firm knot has been made around the ribbon. 

  • Repeat this step until the measured length of the ribbon has been filled with tulle. Additional pieces of tulle may be overlapped to increase the fullness of the skirt.
  • When desired length and fullness have been reached, the skirt will look like this.

  • To wear skirt, simply wrap around the waist and tie at the ends. This no-sew method is wonderful because additional lengths of tulle can be added as the child grows!

    I hope your little princess enjoys this easy dress-up tutu!

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