Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thoughtful Thursday: 25 Day Holiday Challenge

The holiday season is upon us! Make this year one of the best ever by participating in our 25 Day Holiday Challenge. Here are some great ways to spread joy during the holiday season. Most require only a little time and effort (for some, you don't even have to get off your couch!), but each way is guaranteed to spread joy, both to yourself and others. What are you waiting for? December 1st is just around the corner! How many items can you check off this list?

1.     Clean out your closet: If you haven't worn it since last winter, it's time for it to go! Donate your used clothes to your local thrift shop, Salvation Army, or clothing collection site. 
2.     Buy coffee for the person in line behind you: A simple and easy way to brighten someone's day!
3.     Donate to your local food pantry: According to national studies, 1 in 6 people in America face hunger every day. Help feed the hungry this holiday season. 

4.     Pick up a few extra chores: Give your significant other, parent, sibling, or roommate  the night off: Make dinner, fold the laundry, empty the dishwasher...whatever chores will lighten the load.

5.     Read!: Visit Just by reading a children's book online, you can help donate much needed books to children in schools across the country.

6.     Pick Up the Phone: Call a relative or friend you haven’t talked to in a while.
7.     The Best Way to Spread Christmas Cheer: Is singing loud for all to hear! Go Christmas caroling in your neighborhood with a group of friends. The more the merrier!
8.     Love Your Mother Earth: Visit to learn how you can help improve your recycling habits. When we love our Mother Earth, everyone wins!

9.     Be a Secret Santa at work: Leave a surprise for a coworker - a favorite candy bar and a kind note are a great way to start!
10. School Days: Go to and take a look at all the amazing projects in which students across the country can participate - but only if they have the resources. This innovative crowd-sourcing website provides funding to teachers and students in need, so all students have access to the materials the need to succeed. Find out more information here.

11. Quiz Time: Play quiz games on For every question answered, 10 grains of rice are donated to people in need!
12. Support Our Troops: Send a thank you card or care package to a member of the US military. There are so many organizations out there, and possibly even one in your community! To get started, you can visit here.

13. Blessings in Disguise: Make an anonymous payment on a family’s Christmas layaway. Walmart, Kmart, and Toys R Us all have this option.
14. Soup's On!: Volunteer at your local soup kitchen. There is plenty of need this time of year!
15. Playful Pets: If you have a pet, check with your local hospital or nursing home about your pet becoming a therapy animal.
16. Through Rain Or Snow: Have a hot cup of cocoa or coffee ready for your mail carrier or local delivery person. Their job is as hectic as Santa’s in December! If you’re not home when the mail arrives, leave a treat in your mailbox for them.
17. Give to yourself: Put your cell phone/laptop/tablet away for the day, and channel all that free time and energy into a project you have been putting off for a while.
18. Baby, It's Cold Outside: Get a group of friends together and have a blanket making party for Project Linus. This organization provides security blankets to children who are ill, traumatized, or in need. Check out their mission and how to get involved here: You don’t have to be a quilter to make a great blanket. Instructions for making a two-piece tie blanket here: No-Sew Tie Blanket Tutorial
19. Rock Out: Have a special performing talent? Are you a musician, dancer, amateur magician? Volunteer for a session at your local children’s hospital or senior center to bring a smile to someone’s day!
20. Give Life: If you are able, donate blood today!
21. Toy Land: If you have children, have them sort through their toys, and donate any items they no longer play with to your favorite local charity organization. If you don’t have children, donate a new toy to Toys for Tots. Find a collection site here!
22. Holiday Spirits: Host a holiday happy hour or family night out to benefit your favorite charity. Many bars and restaurants are happy to give you a discounted drink price or meal rate, with the remaining profits being donated to your favorite cause.
23. The Most Important Meal of the Day: Bring breakfast to your office coworkers. Nothing better to put you on track to a great day!
24.  Family Time: Set aside a special time to be with those who matter most to you. The most important thing you can give is your time and attention!
25.  Reflect: Pray. Meditate. Do whatever brings you peace. Realize that some things are bigger than you. Give thanks for all you have, and all you have given over the past few weeks!

Have you checked off any items from this list? I'd love to hear how you are planning on sharing and giving this holiday season! Share on Instagram @freshandfreckled #25daysofjoy...We may even post some of our favorites to the blog!

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